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Lesly Fredman, pages 242-243 
What I have realized on and off is that I am an intensely private person. Not always, but when I am asked to divulge information of a personal nature for public consumption, I often flinch and retreat.
I appreciated the instructions for this project — we were invited to participate and along with that invitation was another simple one: to create our piece of it however we wanted, to express what was most meaningful to and for us.
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I re-read a lot of the chapters while I was deciding what to do. I remembered so much of it.
I chose to publish my piece — a single photo of my sister Lonni Ann and me — in the chapter where Jo declares her anguished determination to keep Beth alive. What resonates for me is Jo's fierce love and devotion, which is what I have always felt from my sister — and for her. She is my touchstone.
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