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Margo Smith, pages 622-623
I am the youngest of six — two older brothers and three older sisters. Somehow, each of the girls were assigned an identity — Barbara (or Babs) was the social one, Carroll (Gussie) was the smart one and Nancy was the pretty one.
What was left for me? Although it was unspoken, I felt that I was the “oddball.” Maybe because I wasn’t any of the other things. They were cheerleaders, majorettes, club presidents, and they had boyfriends.
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I assumed that someday, I would become like them — I would fit into a role — step into it like putting on a glove. But it never happened.
Part of it was that I was a young lesbian and they weren’t, but probably that’s half of it. The other half is that I really didn’t want a label like they had. I didn’t want to always have to be social or smart or pretty. I think they probably felt the same way.
In this picture, we’re all wearing tropical themed pajamas that our parents brought us from their annual vacation to Florida. We look happy, enjoying the camaraderie of being one a quartet of sisters.
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